
Homemade crack pipe foil
Homemade crack pipe foil

HerbalJah what about tin foil? Can’t you smoke crack off tin-foil like they do with Heroin? Pegasus ^You need a good amount of heat for crack, I don’t think tin foil is a good choice BrokedownPalace If you are able to score crack, surely the person who sold it to you can tell of of a store that sells glass “rose” stems. OpiYum Or got to hardware store and get tubing cut to size and filters from under the sink. Just take off the end, everything will come out, pack with chore and bam. Crack, though? Memphiseve You can use the handy dandy tire gauge. I would think you’d need a lot bigger flame? Meth, I could see, cause it doesn’t need much flame. Pegasus Yeah, you’ll need some ash if doing it this way As an aside, how does a light bulb work? Heighton720 cans are a good way.you can get HUGE hits this way BUT it also wastes some of the rock.but i likeusing cans when i have nothing else lol Nib I dont have any cigs or weed etc, do I NEED the ash? There’s a lot of other material that creates ash when burnt. Ech0s85 people smoke weed from lightbulbs? Ive hit crack out of a regular pipe before it had a tiny hole so it didnt run through right away but even after it did we just sucked the flame into the bowl and got bomb hits.

homemade crack pipe foil

Georgie25 How do I use a lightbulb? Same way as vaping weed? Or do i not “vape it”? Georgie25 I dont have any cigs or weed etc, do I NEED the ash? 3DayRun Yeah, you’re basically vaping it. Hit that shit hard with the flame on the whole time and hold it till you cain’t no more. Gently, GENTLY, pack the ash and place your butter on top. Let it burn and flick it right on your holes.

homemade crack pipe foil

Poke a hole in the bottom of the can, or the side for a carb. Poke tiny holes, about 8-10 where you scratched. Scratch off the silk-screened label, about the size of a quarter in the dent. Prismed If you use a can make sure to put a carb on the side You’ll get some monster hits smoking it this way Georgie25 I dont understand, I wanna do the can method but where do I get ash from? And do I just get a can and put a dent in it and poke holes n put the crack on the hole and light up? Some of the peices in this bag i have are pretty small might fall in?Īny step by step instructions for making 1? 3DayRun don’t forget that you can use a lightbulb, too! Lyrrad85z dent the top. How else can I smoke this effectively? - Prismed You can make pipe out of tinfoil and put some ash on the bottom and then put the rocks on top Or you can make a pipe out of an aluminum can and do the same thing Happy Smoking 🙂 lyrrad85z tin foil gets too hot, plus cans are more plentiful, use a can but dont make the holes too big. Georgie25 I got some crack i want to smoke soon but no access to the typical crackpipe.

Homemade crack pipe foil